In December 1980 - January 1981, Edo directed Downtown 81, written by Glenn O'Brien, produced by Maripol, co-produced by Michael Zilkha for New York Beat Films LLC. The movie shows a typical day of the young artist Jean Michel Basquiat, unknown at the time, and gives a view of the vibrant artistic and musical community of the then New York downtown scene.
These suggestive photographic series originated from Edo's 24 x 36 mm still camera and were shot during production breaks or directly captured during soundless filming.
Downtown 81 was selected for the "Quinzaine des Réalisateurs" at the Cannes Film Festival in 2000.
“Jean Michel was an unpredictable actor, I suppose he never read the script…. but his stage presence was an art in itself”
Origin of Cotton, New York 1980 | Basquiat with car wreck, Lower East Side, New York 1980 | Basquiat's Queensboro Bridge, New York 1981 |
Basquiat's Smoke, New York 1981 | Basquiat's Livery Line, New York 1980 | Basquiat's Ignorant, New York 1981 |
Basquiat's Guggenheim, New York 1981 | Basquiat's Empire, New York 1980 | Basquiat's Boom, New York 1981 |
Basquiat Political, New York 1980 | Basquiat's 5th Street, New York 1980 | Basquiat's Head, New York 1981 |
Basquiat Ignorant 2, New York 1981 | Basquiat's Livery line 2, New York 1981 | Basquiat 5AM, New York 1981 |
Basquiat's Helmet, New York 1981 | Basquiat's Adidas, New York 1981 | Claudi Porcelli & Basquiat, New York 1981 |